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Town Facility Projects

Town of Lima Existing Conditions (PDF)


Town of Lima Town Hall Project Plan 2022


Town Hall renovations to address Handicap Accessibility, Climate Change, Senior Citizen class space and increased Food Pantry Storage

This project is for capital improvements including Handicap Accessibility modifications for restrooms, service counter, and classroom space; replacement of 115 year old steam boiler system with energy efficient heat pump technology, sound reduction measures for classroom space, and increased dry goods storage capacity for the food pantry all within the 115 year old Lima Town Hall.

These improvements will improve the health and well being of over 558 seniors allowing them to age in place and use easily accessed services, participate in Tai Chi and Matter of Balance and other wellness classes to help prevent falls and other injuries in an efficiently climate controlled environment and serve a growing list of over 30 families who utilize the Food pantry monthly to survive.


  • Elevator $207k  Competed April 2022.  Elevator provides access to Basement, Parking lot, Office Floor, Meeting Hall and Stage levels. This work was paid for with Taxpayer dollars from the building reserve fund.

  • Heating and Cooling estimated at $864k Replace 115 year old steam Boiler system with energy efficient heat pump technology for heating and cooling year round.  System will have central control and monitoring for added efficiency and will be a model for what can be done with historic buildings to preserve them while increasing their usefulness.

  • Handicap Accessibility estimated at $659,511.00 - Remove the stage level unisex restroom and replace at the meeting room level with 2 unisex restrooms.  Add kitchenette area in the SW corner of the large meeting area with ADA compatible counters, sink etc. to facilitate meetings and gatherings with food and or catering.  Modify Town office area to include ADA counter levels, transaction windows for safety and ADA accessible employee area.  Modify basement level restrooms for ADA accessibility.

  • Food Pantry Expansion estimated at $22k - Modify exit from basement to the SE corner exit with new doorway cut in, add secure dry goods storage space for the food pantry (currently they have to turn down additional donations as there is nowhere to store them).  Additionally, the Holiday gifts for the children were stolen from the unsecured area 3 years ago right after Thanksgiving.  More secure storage will prevent that from happening again.


Total project cost: $1,752,511.00

Amount needed: $1,545,511.00

© 2024 by Town of Lima, NY

Website Design and Management by Genesee Valley Web Marketing


7329 East Main Street

Lima, NY 14485

(585) 582-1130 


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