Town of Lima, NY
Supervisor's Message Archive
December 29, 2023
Hi all, Here we go again:
National Grid is tracking a weather system that is expected to bring wind gusts approaching 70 mph across Western New York starting Tuesday 1/9/2024morning and lasting into Wednesday 1/10/2024.
Customers and Constituents that need to report an outage to their home or business should contact National Grid at 1-800-867-5222.
Customers can also receive personalized alerts by text, email, and/or phone when an outage is detected at their property by enrolling in the company’s outage alert option. To register, text REG to 64743, enter your National Grid electricity account number and select your preferred method(s) of notification. Customers also can text OUT to 64743 to report an outage.
Below is a link to our Outage Map that you can access information any time to get updates on areas impacted by outages.
This one is far less predictable than the planned outage we just had:
Fill your cars and cans with fuel now
Charge up your phone
Help your neighbors
Do not approach any downed lines, call them in
Do not operate your generator inside your garage or home
At least we go those 2 towers fixed before the wind took them down
Need help? Lima Town Hall is 585-582-1130 or my cell 585-509-1433.
October 30, 2023
The Proposed Water District 5 petitions have all been turned in. They are being counted. The official results will be presented at the next Town Board Meeting on November 7th, 6pm, top floor of the Lima Town Hall. Unofficially, there are not enough signatures to pass. That said, the months of hard work to give every landowner the opportunity to voice their support or opposition have paid off in spades! How? We now have the most complete map of who wants water and who does not want water that we could possibly have. Add that information to the water testing, where results indicate that water is needed and we have a very clear picture indeed.
The other opportunity that has arisen is connecting the Livingston County Water and Sewer Authority supply to the emergency line along 5&20. This would provide an alternate source of water for the Village of Lima, the Town of Lima and the Town of Avon. For the Village of Lima water customers and Town of Lima WD2 (15A north of the Village)and WD4 (Tupelo Trail) this means a CHEAPER WATER SOURCE. Now combine a revised WD5 map with the Village Connection and we will have the best workable project we can have.
Of course, it takes time to start over and set up a new project – so while the current Town Board will have to consider starting it, the new Town Board in 2024 will be responsible to finish it. I believe that we can all solidify behind cheaper water for the all Village customers, cheaper water for Town WD 2&4 customers & water for those who really want and need it.
…When I was thirsty, did you bring me something to drink?...
October 3, 2023
United States Department of Agriculture has confirmed an award of $11 million in grant funds and $20 million in low interest loans for the proposed WD5 project! More here (PDF).
September 10, 2023
Hi, We received this letter from National Grid regarding Town Wide meter replacement with Smart Meters. No more meter reading personnel. These transmit data back to National Grid via the powerlines 24/7 365. Be sure to turn off items you are not using. MJF
posted October 3, 2023
United States Department of Agriculture has confirmed an award of $11 million in grant funds and $20 million in low interest loans for the proposed WD5 project! More here (PDF).
April 24, 2023
The Town of Lima does follow NYS open meetings law rules. Our schedule of meetings is published at the beginning of each year. The Agenda for each meeting (we meet the 1st Tuesday of each month) is published on the previous Friday. This is so the public can see what is on the agenda and attend if there is something that interests them. Last minute agenda changes are only done in the case of emergencies and are posted on the web site www.lima-ny.org . The Town board moves through the agenda as posted. If there is a public hearing at the Board meeting, it is in the agenda and advertised separately in our newspaper of record “The Sentinel.” The Public can attend the meeting, and if they wish sign up to speak for 5 minutes on the hearing topic. This is designed so that the speaker can let their opinion be known. It is not a Q&A session. It is testimony that the Board can use to help form decisions. If the speaker has questions, they will be recorded and the board will publish the answers.
Any member of the Public can apply for privileges of the floor. It is easy to do so. Contact me in person, by phone or email so we can discuss. This has to be done 5 calendar days before the board meeting so that we can add the topic to the agenda so that the public can attend if they are interested. We limit the privileges of the floor to 20 minutes.
A public information session is a special meeting where there is a presentation on a particular topic. This is usually accompanied a question and answer session. The public can sign up and speak for 5 min on that particular topic. Notices of public information sessions are published in the newspaper of record, on the Town web site and sometimes with a special mailing.
All of these procedures are designed so that the public has every chance to know what is being discussed at meetings and attend if they want to. Some of the public read the notice and reach out immediately. You can reach anyone on the Town Board in person, via email, or by phone. Contact information is on the Town website or can be had by calling the Town office at 585-582-1130. These are the same rules that are followed by the Livingston County Planning Board, the HFL School Board and the Livingston County Board of Supervisors to name a few.
Since notice to the public as described above is required, random topics, yelling over others, disrespectful comments and the like are not allowed. Those are the tools of the bullies who believe that attendance at a Town board meeting and yelling loudly means that they get their way. That is mob rule and is NOT Lima. Following the above rules is the fairest and most transparent way for the entire community to know what is going on and participate. If you would like to learn more about transparency and rules you can find the NYS Committee on Open Government web site here: https://opengovernment.ny.gov/
March 10, 2023
Livingston County is urging residents to check their eligibility and sign-up for the Affordable Connectivity Program to potentially lower their monthly internet bill.
March 3, 2023
There has been a lot of information online regarding the potential Town of Lima Water District 5 and the impact on the Village residents and Village out of district customers. This will provide you some background information and the pieces you may not be aware of. As always, I encourage you to make up your own mind – free of anonymous cowards and bullies.
The Village of Lima water district is cotemperous with the Village of Lima boundaries – that means they are the same. The Village of Lima water district is there for the benefit of the Village residents. Water service has been extended to some properties outside of the Village boundaries. These properties are on East Main St all the way to the intersection of York and Clay, West Main Street to just past the intersection of Livonia Center Rd, a little bit on Livonia Center Rd, Some of Dalton Rd on the west side of the street (not Tupelo Trail), and Michigan Ave south of the village line. The Village of Lima owns 2 properties outside of the Village on West main street that are part of the out of district service (Lima Ambulance and the old reservoir pump station).
Full water service is the availability of hydrants for fire department use and public water to the property. Only some of the out of district users have full water service. Some of the out of district users are on what we call spaghetti services. These are tiny lines that were added on to feed one or more properties for public water, but not the size line that can support fire hydrants. Not all Village of Lima out of district users are equal, but they all pay the same rate – a rate that is higher than the users inside the Village borders are charged. The Village of Lima water district commissioners are the members of the Village Board. They set the rates. Those inside the Village vote for the Village board members and through that process have some control over the water district. The out of district users are not eligible to vote for the Village Board members and therefore have no control over the rates.
Remember the cotemperous part? If $1 is collected in the Village water district, it can be legally used by the Village government for anything that the Village needs $1 for. It is the same benefitted users defined by the Village border. That is why water money can be used to buy equipment and vehicles for Village operations. Again the out of district users are left out. They have no say. The Village can balance its budget with the water money with the out of district users paying more than their fair share.
If Water District 5 is formed, the out of district Village users will become part of Water District 5. Water District 5 will be operated by the Livingston County Water and Sewer Authority (LCWSA). The water will be supplied by the City of Rochester Hemlock Lake source via the LCWSA agreement. The Village of Lima is currently supplied by the Monroe County Water Authority (MCWA) with a mix of Hemlock lake and Lake Ontario water. If Water District 5 is formed, the Village will have the option to supply from the LCWSA at a lower cost per 1000. The savings could be passed on to the Village water customers or used to pay down water debt or both.
Lastly, the Village built (with the Town’s permission) an emergency supply line that connects along West Main St to the Avon water tower (just over the Town Line). This connection supplies Conesus Lake water from Avon to Lima in case the Lima Tower is down. This connection allowed the Village of Lima to refurbish the water Tower without interrupting service. The Avon water Tower is reaching the end of its life. This will have an impact on the Village water system. LCWSA is working on a project to bring water to the salt mine collapse affected area. The pump station will be in Lima on Pond rd and the Water Tower in Livonia. The Avon fix might be linked to this project. Town of Lima Water District 5 is linked to this project too – leveraging the pump station and water tower to save construction costs.
The out of district users deserve uniform water service that includes fire hydrants and drinking water and representation. If Water District 5 is formed, they will get all of that. MJF
March 11, 2022
Our own Livingston County Sherriff Deputy Mike Wade has been nominated for a 2022 RISE award for life saving measures he performed after being dispatched to a small child that had been accidentally struck by a lawn mower and critically injured. Community voting will begin March 7 and close March 18 and we need your help spreading the word. Please vote and spread the word. RISE Awards are through AXON the company that makes the Taser. You can vote once a day for each email address you have. To vote click here: https://riseawards.us.launchpad6.com/officer2022/entry/194
January 17, 2022
Plowing is underway, but cannot take place if cars are left parked on the roadsides. This is especially true in the Village on 15A and 5&20. The Town Highway crew with the large plow trucks has a contract with NYS and must do the plowing on those 2 roads. There is already one little red car buried on 15A north of the 4 corners. Please be considerate of your neighbors and keep your cars off street. It is only a few months of winter and then all can return to normal.
If your mailbox has been knocked down by the plowed snow you can call for some assistance. If you live in the Village call 624-4525 UNLESS you live on 15A or 5 &20 or Michigan Ave, then call the Town at 582-1443. If you live outside the Village call the Town at 582-1443.
Summer Rec enrollment is presently too low to run the program. If you are considering this program for your youths, please enroll NOW:
May 7, 2021
The Summer Rec program will be held at Manor School. Program runs from June 28 - August 6. Supervised activities include games, arts and crafts, science and nature, music, sports, special events and more. New themes each week. Program is held rain or shine. Register early to avoid program cancellation due to low enrollment.
February 22, 2021
You can be involved and help make our community better!
If you travel 5&20 you know the intersection of Bragg St and Doran Rd can be dangerous. We have 3 to 4 accidents a year there. Make your voice heard and sign the online petition to have the intersection changed here: https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/make-doran-road-safe
If you live in the HFL School district and support Veterans, here is the link to the letter to the school board (PDF here). 3.3 cents per $1000 is the least we can do for our Veterans.
May 7, 2021
Summer Rec enrollment is presently too low to run the program. If you are considering this program for your youths, please enroll NOW:
The Summer Rec program will be held at Manor School. Program runs from June 28 - August 6. Supervised activities include games, arts and crafts, science and nature, music, sports, special events and more. New themes each week. Program is held rain or shine. Register early to avoid program cancellation due to low enrollment.
February 22, 2021
You can be involved and help make our community better!
If you travel 5&20 you know the intersection of Bragg St and Doran Rd can be dangerous. We have 3 to 4 accidents a year there. Make your voice heard and sign the online petition to have the intersection changed here: https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/make-doran-road-safe
If you live in the HFL School district and support Veterans, here is the link to the letter to the school board (PDF here). 3.3 cents per $1000 is the least we can do for our Veterans. More here (PDF). More here (PDF).
February 9, 2021
Veterans as a group make good citizens and neighbors. We have proof that they more often than not choose to move to communities that offer both property and school tax exemptions. There is a higher rate of Veterans moving to Livonia and Geneseo than our HFL area because those school districts are offering the exemption. It is time for HFL to do the same and you can help. Print the attached letter, sign and mail it to the HFL Superintendent and Schoolboard. Let them know that 3.3 cents per $1000 of assessed value for Veterans is the least we can do. If you don’t have a printer, pick up a copy here at the Town Hall. It is time, thanks for your help. More here (PDF)
January 5, 2021
The first COVID-19 vaccines are here. While availability is limited in the initial weeks of the vaccination program, more and more Livingston County residents will become eligible as the vaccine supply increases. Please do not schedule a vaccination and back out. When you do this, the dose you reserved is thrown away.
In December 2020, two COVID-19 vaccines were authorized by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and approved by New York's COVID-19 Clinical Advisory Task Force. New York State had developed a COVID-19 Vaccine Program that prioritizes distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine based on need and risk.
While the vaccination process is underway, everyone should wear a mask, social distance and avoid small and large gatherings.
According to the New York State COVID-19 Vaccine Program, vaccination recipients are prioritized into phases based on science, clinical expertise and federal guidelines. One of New York’s prioritization strategies for vaccine distribution is designed to ensure early vaccination of the most vulnerable New Yorkers as well as essential front line workers. The phases are as follows:
· Phase 1: High-risk hospital workers; nursing home residents and staff; all long-term and congregate care residents and staff; EMS workers; and other health care workers, coroners and medical examiners
· Phase 2: First responders; teachers; school staff; childcare providers; public health workers; essential frontline workers who regularly interact with public or maintain critical infrastructure; other long-term care facility patients and individuals living in other congregate settings; and individuals in general population deemed particularly high risk due to comorbidities and health conditions
· Phase 3: Individuals over 65; individuals under 65 with high-risk health conditions
· Phase 4: All other essential workers
· Phase 5: Remainder of the population
New York State is currently in the midst of Phase 1A and has provided the following 5-week vaccine prioritization schedule for this phase only.
Week 1: Beginning of Campaign
-High-risk hospital staff, affiliates, volunteers and contract staff, following the clinical risk assessment guidance
Week 2: 12/21/20
-High-risk hospital staff including state-operated psychiatric centers
-Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel
-Medical examiners and coroners
-Funeral workers who have direct contact with infectious material and bodily fluids
-Health care or other high-risk direct care essential staff working in long-term care facilities and long-term congregate settings overseen by the state
-Persons living in long-term care facilities and in long-term congregate settings overseen by the state
Week 3: 12/28/20
-High-risk hospital and federally qualified health center staff, including state psychiatric centers
- Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel
- Medical examiners and coroners
- Agency staff and residents in congregate living situations run by the state
- Urgent care providers
- Any staff administering COVID-19 vaccinations
Week 4: 1/4/21
All populations included in Weeks 1- 3, as well as:
- All outpatient and ambulatory front-line, high-risk health care workers of any age who provide direct in-person patient care, or other staff in a position in which they have direct contact with patients (i.e., intake staff)
- All front-line, high-risk public health workers who have direct contact with patients, including those conducting COVID-19 tests and handling COVID-19 specimens and COVID-19 vaccinations
Week 5: 1/11/21
All populations included in Weeks 1-4, as well as:
- Home care workers
- Hospice workers
- Staff of nursing homes and skilled nursing facilities who did not receive a COVID-19 vaccination
Livingston County Department of Health (LCDOH) has not received the COVID-19 vaccine at this time. However, Tri-County Family Medicine and UR Medicine/Noyes Health are currently scheduling COVID-19 Moderna vaccine inoculations for all frontline health care workers in our service area. This includes all forms of health care (including dentistry, mental health, physical therapy, and chiropractic care) and includes direct service providers and support staff who interact face-to-face with the public. YOU MUST HAVE AN APPOINTMENT. NO WALK-INS. You must also provide proof of occupation. To schedule an appointment:
·Tri-County Family Medicine COVID-19 Vaccine Hotline - call 585-432-2304 or 585-432-2313
· UR Medicine/Noyes Health - register online here
According to Jennifer Rodriguez, Livingston County’s Public Health Director, “Along with our regional partners, we have been working on plans to distribute a vaccine since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis. Our goal is to quickly and safely distribute the vaccine to prioritized groups as it becomes available.”
It may be several months before the vaccine is available for the general public.
Please stay up to date by checking our website at www.livingstoncounty.us/doh.htm, visiting Livingston County's social media sites or calling our toll-free hotline at 1-877-280-6775. For more information on the COVID-19 vaccine, contact our toll-free hotline at 1-877-280-6775 for more information. Hours are Monday - Friday, 8AM - 4PM.
December 23, 2020
There is more to the Pandemic than COVID19. According to Michele Anuszkiewicz, Director of Livingston County Mental Health and Community Services, “Trends show that there has been a significant uptick in depression and anxiety since the COVID-19 crisis began. More people are also seeking comfort in drugs, alcohol and gambling. In addition, thoughts of suicide are on the rise.”
“Many people are struggling with feelings of isolation, fear and hopelessness as a result of the pandemic. We would like to provide Livingston County residents with links to essential resources during these challenging times,” stated Anuszkiewicz.
Some well-respected national and state resources include:
·Suicide Prevention Lifeline – This lifeline is a 24-hour, toll-free, and confidential suicide prevention hotline available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255); TTY: 1-800-799-4889; En Español 1-888-628-9454; Text TALK to 741741; Website: www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org
·SAMHSA's National Helpline – Also known as the Treatment Referral Routing Service, this helpline provides 24-hour, toll-free and confidential treatment referral and information about mental and substance use disorders, prevention, and recovery in English and Spanish. Call 1-800-662-HELP (4357); TTY: 1-800-487-4889; Website: www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline
·1-877-8-HOPENY – This is a New York-based, 24-hour counseling hotline for anyone seeking help with alcoholism, problem gambling, and drug abuse. All calls are toll-free, anonymous, and confidential. Website: https://oasas.ny.gov/hopeline·
Crisis Text Line – This hotline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Crisis Text Line serves anyone, in any type of crisis, connecting them with a crisis counselor who can provide support and information. Specialized crisis counselors are just a text message away on this free, confidential 24-hour support line. To further protect your privacy, these messages do not appear on a phone bill. The text line also provides services and support if you are upset, scared, hurt, frustrated, or distressed. To use, text “HELLO” to 741741; Website: https://www.crisistextline.org/
·NY Project Hope – NY Project Hope is New York’s COVID-19 Emotional Support Helpline. It helps New Yorkers manage and cope with changes brought on by COVID-19. Free, confidential, and anonymous. Call 1-844-863-8314 from 8AM – 10PM, 7 days a week. https://www.projecthope.org/
·New York State Domestic Violence Hotline – 1-800-942-6906; Website: https://www.nyscadv.org/find-help/program-directory.html
·Veterans Crisis Line – The Veterans Crisis Line is a resource available to anyone, even if you are not registered with VA or enrolled in VA health care. Call 1-800-273-8255 or text a message to 838255; Website: https://www.veteranscrisisline.net/
·NY FarmNet – NY FarmNet offers personal and family consulting to agribusiness owners and employees who work directly with farmers. Call 1-800-547-FARM (3276); Website: https://www.nyfarmnet.org/
·Trevor Project – The Trevor Project offers specialized emotional and crisis support to the LGBTQ+ population. Free, confidential, and anonymous. Call 1-866-488-7386 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; Website: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/Local resources include: ·211/Lifeline – This service provides crisis support and information on local resources 24 hours a day. Dial 211 or 1-800-310-1160; Website: https://211lifeline.org/
·Livingston County Behavioral Health Resource Line – This resource line provides information about the various behavioral health providers in the area. Call 585-243-7251, Monday – Friday from 8AM to 5PM.·Noyes Mental Health and Wellness Services – Outpatient mental health services for all age groups are provided as part of Noyes Memorial Hospital. Call 585-335-4316; Website: https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/noyes/healthcare-services/mental-health.aspx
·Livingston County Mental Health Clinic – The Livingston County Mental Health Clinic provides outpatient mental health services to all age groups. Call 585-243-7250; Website: https://www.livingstoncounty.us/152/Mental-Health-Community-Services
·Peer Support – Addiction help is available through Peer Support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling 607-378-7479 and leaving a message. A peer will return the call within 2 hours. ·CASA-Trinity – CASA-Trinity is a community-based treatment center for chemically dependent individuals and their families, providing outpatient and specialized treatment programs. Call 585-991-5012; Website: https://casa-trinity.org/For more information on mental and behavioral health resources, contact Livingston County Mental Health at 585-243-7250.
August 28, 2020
Suicide and Overdose Awareness
Virtual Candlelight Vigil
Geneseo, NY, August 27, 2020 – The Livingston County Suicide Prevention Task Force and CASA-Trinity, Inc. are hosting a virtual candlelight vigil via Zoom to coincide with two global events – World Suicide Prevention Day and International Overdose Awareness Day. The virtual event will honor loved ones lost to suicide and overdose. It will include conversation, guest speakers, testimonials and more.
Details are provided below:
6th Annual Candlelight Vigil
Thursday, September 10, 2020
6:30PM – 7:30PM **we ask that you turn your porch lights on at 7:30PM in remembrance of those lost to suicide and overdose**
Please click here to register for the virtual Zoom event, submit a message for our tree and/or submit a testimonial
The virtual event will be posted to Facebook Live to help show and promote awareness around a cause that impacts so many. Please be sure to “like” the Livingston County NY Suicide Prevention Task Force on Facebook so you do not miss a thing.
Lynne Mignemi, Director of the Livingston County Probation Department and Chairperson of the Livingston County Suicide Prevention Task Force, said, “We want the community to know that we care deeply about the loss of loved ones to suicide and overdose. Those left behind often suffer in silence. They need support, an opportunity to openly mourn, and hope. The vigil provides a way to do that without stigma.”
The Livingston County Suicide Prevention Task Force remains concerned and focused on the impact of the current pandemic on the mental health of children and adults. If you are struggling, please reach out to NY Project HOPE at 1-844-863-9314 between 8AM and 10PM, 7 days per week. This emotional support line is free, confidential and anonymous.
To learn more about CASA-Trinity, Inc., please click here or call 585-991-5012. Please click here for more information on the Livingston County Suicide Prevention Task Force.
July 6, 2020
It is with much regret that the Lima Crossroads Council has had to cancel the 2020 Lima Crossroads Blues Festival. We held out as long as we could, but there appears to be no lifting of restrictions for large outdoor events.
The following parts of the festival were determined to be difficult to manage without attracting the thousands of people we normally have:
Crafters and Vendors
Kids Activities
BBQ Contest
Bed Race
Euchre Tournament
Open music concerts
Charitable donations are down all across the country. Consequently, there will be fundraising concerts from the 30th of July to the 2nd of August. These are controlled, drive in style pay in advance shows that will raise money for the 2021 festival, Mercy Flight Central and Teresa House. For tickets at the West stage, contact Fanatics at 585-624-2080. For tickets at the East stage, contact Jonny B’s at 585-582-PORK (7675) ext 5.
Also, there will be a Townwide Parade on August 2nd. Form up at noon, parade at 1. Vehicles, towed or trailered beds and the like. Bed prizes for decorations. No walkers, this will be a long parade. Anyone who lives or owns a business in the Town of Lima (yes that included the Village) can participate. Sign ups will be handled by the Town Clerk 585-582-1130.
Thank you for your support in years past and we look forward to the 2021 Lima Crossroads Music Festival.
Mike Falk
Crossroads Council President
June 11, 2020
We will be phase 3 tomorrow. Town Hall doors will be unlocked on Monday, masks and sanitizing are still in effect. Door mounted transaction windows are in process. Coordinating with the glass company to install the track and tempered glass. No, the Village is not being charged for the building alteration.
I installed ceiling fans in the Board Room today. They operate when the lights are on. They are already set in the correct direction for summer. Use the pull chain to adjust the speed. They cool the room with far less energy than that air conditioner.
Municipal pools and playgrounds may be opened today. Folks have to be smart and follow the state guidelines. As ALL park decisions are joint decisions, I would advocate for the opening of the playground and the pavilion. Our citizens are high quality, smart people. Give them a copy of the Governor's guidance when they rent the pavilion and charge extra to sanitize when they are done.
Genesee Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council did something really smart to help us with the Census numbers. They started 2 years ago, working with the Code Enforcement Officers to get all the new home build data. It was submitted to the Census folks and rejected and then accepted on appeal. It added 113,000 addresses to our 9 county area. Across all of
NYS only 300,000 were added. The census also determines representation in congress, the 113,000 addresses will go a long way to helping keep our congressional seat here.
Stay Positive, we are almost there.
June 4, 2020
NYS is allowing outdoor dining in Lima. Here are the rules:
Outdoor dining at restaurants now open in Phase two regions
Outdoor tables must be spaced six feet apart and all staff must wear face coverings
Customers must also wear face coverings when not seated
Be sure to call the Lima restaurants (American Hotel, Fanatics, Jonny B’s Custom BBQ, Lima Family restaurant, Lima Country Club, and The Upper Deck) and ask if they have outdoor seating.
June 2, 2020
Today, the Livingston County Department of Health unveiled a redesigned map of COVID-19 data for the county. The map will be updated on a daily basis. There is a link to the map on the County’s webpage dedicated to COVID-19.
Jennifer Rodriguez, Livingston County Public Health Director, stated, “You will notice that our COVID-19 map is now based on ZIP codes to better align with the state’s data reporting. The map has some additional features that will be useful as we continue to closely monitor the spread of the virus. It highlights active cases throughout the county and contains a tracker for COVID-19 antibody testing.”
Rodriguez continued, “Collectively, all of the data presented on our webpage helps us identify current trends and inform future decisions related to the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Livingston County COVID-19 webpage:
If you have a fever, cough or trouble breathing, please call your health care provider for an assessment of your symptoms. If you feel as though you may have had exposure to COVID-19, please call LCDOH at 585-243-7270. Call 1-877-280-6775 if you would like general information on COVID-19 or to learn how to volunteer. Livingston County Mental Health has created a help line for community members who need someone to talk to during these stressful times. This is a free and confidential service. Please call 585-243-7251, Monday – Friday from 9:00AM – 5:00PM.
May 29, 2020
Phase Two Re-Opening Requirements:
The Governor’s office has released guidelines and business safety templates for industries allowed to begin reopening in phase two. Livingston County has been authorized to begin phase two of reopening as of Friday, May 29th 2020.
The guidelines below apply to non-essential businesses, essential businesses that were previously permitted to remain open, and commercial and recreational activities that have been permitted to operate with restrictions. If guidance has not yet been published for your specific industry, but you are permitted to reopen, please refer to the NY Forward Safety Plan template.
Phase Two
All Office-Based Jobs
Real Estate Services
Retail – In-Store Shopping
Limited Barbershop and Hair Salon Services
For help determining whether or not your business is eligible to reopen, use the reopen lookup tool. You can also find the guidance for each phase here.
The State has published a dashboard to track the public health data regions must meet to reopen here.
Read and Affirm Detailed Guidelines
Print Business Safety Plan Template
Real Estate:
Read and Affirm Detailed Guidelines
Print Business Safety Plan Template
Essential and Phase II In-Store Retail:
Read and Affirm Detailed Guidelines
Print Business Safety Plan Template
Vehicle Sales, Leases, and Rentals:
Read and Affirm Detailed Guidelines
Print Business Safety Plan Template
Retail Rental, Repair, and Cleaning:
Read and Affirm Detailed Guidelines
Print Business Safety Plan Template
Commercial Building Management:
Read and Affirm Detailed Guidelines
Print Business Safety Plan Template
Hair Salons and Barbershops:
Read and Affirm Detailed Guidelines
Print Business Safety Plan Template
If you do not see your industry listed above,
click here to view which businesses can re-open in each phase.
Click Here For More on Re-Opening
Livingston County Economic Development | GrowLivCo.com
(585) 243-7124 | info@growlivco.com
May 28, 2020
All Livingston County residents are encouraged to sign up for ROC COVID, a health screening tool that could help prevent the further spread of COVID-19 throughout the region. Currently, there are close to 19,000 participants from 11 counties, according to the ROC COVID dashboard.
Scientists and information technology staff from the University of Rochester Medical Center and Rochester Regional Health developed ROC COVID. It is an online survey tool consisting of questions that you answer daily, even if you have no symptoms. Questions include whether you have a fever, a cough, chills or other primary COVID-19 symptoms in addition to basic demographic information.
As a participant, you will receive daily reminders to take the quick survey at ROCCOVID.org.
Common Ground Health, a regional health planning organization, will securely house and analyze collected data. The data analysis will allow for an increased understanding of COVID-19, measure efforts to slow its progression, and help determine where to focus testing or adjust stay-at-home and physical distancing requirements.
If you are a University of Rochester Medical Center or Rochester Regional Health employee, you are asked not to participate in ROC COVID; however, you should continue to respond to your own internal surveys.
To learn more about ROC COVID and get started, please click here.
May 27, 2020
New York State recently created the NYS Contact Tracing Program, an initiative to help slow the spread of COVID-19.
If you test positive for COVID-19, a contact tracer will reach out and connect you with the support and resources you may need to quarantine. The contact tracer also works with you to identify anyone you have been in contact with over the past 14 days to trace the spread of the virus. These individuals will then hear from a contact tracer via phone and text. If they are determined to be close contacts, then they are asked to stay home to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Quarantine support and resources are arranged for these individuals, if necessary.
Any information you share with the NYS Contact Tracing Program is strictly confidential and treated as a private medical record. A contact tracer will never ask you for Social Security Numbers, bank or credit card numbers, or any other financial information.
If a contact tracer is calling you, the caller ID will most likely say “NYS Contact Tracing” (518-387-9993). The Governor’s office is strongly encouraging you to answer these phone calls in order to help protect your loved ones and community.
For more information on the NYS Contact Tracing Program, please click here.
May 26, 2020
Free Milk Distribution
First Come First Served
June 1st 4 – 6 PM
Come take a leisurely drive into the countryside, past newly planted cornfields and freshly mowed alfalfa to Craigs Station Creamery. There you will be guided through the Craigs Station Campus to receive your free gallon of milk, bottled by Pittsford Farms Dairy. It is our way of giving back to the local community who continues to be impacted by the COVID-19 crisis and honor the hard working dairy farmers of our community.
Thanks to the generosity of ReFed, a nonprofit food waste reduction organization, the Livingston County Farm Bureau is partnering with Natural Upcycling, Craigs Station Creamery, and Dairy Farmers of America to offer a free community milk distribution in honor of World Milk Day and June Dairy month.
May 21, 2020
Our Veterans have decorated the graves of our deceased Veterans for Memorial Day. As there is no parade this year, consider a walk through our cemeteries instead. There are 7 you can visit: Oak Ridge, St. Rose and the 5 others that are maintained by the Town of Lima (Presbyterian/Methodist at the 4 corners, Plank Rd, College St., Egan Rd, & Corby Rd.). All gave some, some gave all. Celebrate the lives of those who kept us free.
May 21, 2020
Announcing the Livingston County
Local Business Recovery Fund
Now is your chance to launch forward!
Livingston County Economic Development has created the Local Business Recovery Fund to assist small businesses in Livingston County that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Livingston County Local Business Recovery Fund will provide loans of no less than $2,000 and no more than $10,000 to eligible small business owners for reopening their business located in Livingston County. Funding provided to eligible borrowers must be used to assist in the reopening of their businesses within 30 days once governmental orders have been lifted.
Loans will have a 48 month term and a 1% interest rate. No payments will be due in months 1 – 6. Regular monthly payments of principal and interest will commence in month 7 and continue through month 48. Personal guarantee of all owners with greater than 20% ownership will be required. Closing costs may be paid either out of current funds available or from the loan proceeds.
If you are interested in applying, CLICK HERE to read details on eligibility + requirements for the program.
May 20, 2020
New from NYS: Beginning on Thursday May 21, religious gatherings of no more than 10 people will be allowed statewide where strict social distancing measures are enforced and all participants wear masks. Also drive-in/parking lot services will be allowed.
May 19, 2020
The Livingston County COVID-19 web page has a new dashboard that shows all the Livingston County Opening Metrics along with our Fingerlakes Region Metrics. Follow the link here:
May 18, 2020
Livingston County would like to remind residents that COVID-19 testing is now available to any individual who:
· is a Phase 1 worker
· has COVID-19 symptoms
· has had contact with a person known to be positive with COVID-19
· is subject to a precautionary or mandatory quarantine
· is employed as a health care worker, nursing home worker or first responder
· is an essential worker who directly interacts with the public while working
To make an appointment at a local testing site, visit https://covid19screening.health.ny.gov/ or call 1-888-364-3065.
May 16, 2020
Governor Cuomo recently signed Executive Order 202.31, which extends “New York State on PAUSE” but allows the phased reopening in 5 regions – including the Finger Lakes region – to begin today.
For a list of business sectors that are authorized to reopen during Phase 1, as well as guidance for each sector, visit the NY Forward website here.
New York State is requiring each reopening business to develop a written safety plan outlining how its workplace will prevent the spread of COVID-19. A business may fill out a template here to fulfill the requirement or may develop its own safety plan. The safety plan does not need to be submitted to a state agency for approval but must be retained on the premises of the business and must be made available to the New York State Department of Health (DOH) or local health or safety authorities in the event of an inspection.
Business owners – even those operating now as essential businesses – must read and affirm here the State’s industry-specific guidance on how to safely operate in accordance with the health and safety requirements designed to protect employees and customers.
Please continue to regularly check the NY Forward website here for guidance that is applicable to your business or certain parts of your business functions. In addition, Empire State Development (ESD) provides a Frequently Asked Questions section of its website here that is specific to NY Forward and business reopening.
Livingston County Economic Development also provides local reopening resources on its website here. We encourage you to call the office at 585-243-7124 if you have any questions.
Bill Bacon, Director of Livingston County Economic Development, stated, “Livingston County is fortunate to be part of the Phase 1 reopening as we begin the process toward economic recovery. We need residents and business owners to stay diligent in their efforts to flatten the curve and reduce further spread of this virus. Also, please consider your local businesses first as they all need your support and understanding during this time. This recovery will not happen overnight, but with a strong effort by our loyal residents, we can overcome the impact this life altering scenario has created.”
May 14, 2020
Just a small nudge. Help Lima get the COVID supplies and help it needs. Fill out your Census now. Go to https://2020census.gov/ and fill out the form online. The folks you will be helping are your friends and neighbors.
May 12, 2020
Livingston County to Begin Phased Re-Opening May 15th
Geneseo, NY, May 11, 2020 — Today, Governor Cuomo announced that the Finger Lakes region is slated to meet the 7 of 7 benchmarks for re-opening and can commence a “Phase 1” re-opening beginning May 15, 2020.
Livingston County, as part of the Finger Lakes region, celebrated the news. David L. LeFeber, Chairman of the Livingston County Board of Supervisors, stated, “I understand people want more to open up on May 15th – and we are pressing the State to allow additional sectors to open up – but the fact that we are in a region that can open up to some extent on May 15th is a good thing and we must be positive and optimistic yet maintain our vigilance. Some other areas cannot commence the phased-in re-opening until June 1st at the earliest. So we are trying to look on the bright side here. We will work closely with our regional partners to share information and be consistent in our messaging.”
Phase 1 will include re-opening the following sectors of the economy:
· Agriculture
· Forestry
· Fishing
· Construction
· Manufacturing and wholesale supply chain
· Retail (with curbside pickup)
· Landscaping and gardening
· Outdoor, low-risk recreational activities like tennis
· Drive-in movie theaters
These sectors join the list of designated essential businesses and economy sectors that have been allowed to maintain operations during the NY Pause. This list is available here. Recently, auto dealerships and service centers, private campgrounds and golf courses have also seen restrictions modified.
It remains to be seen if the social aspects of NY Pause will be loosened at all in Phase 1. Social distancing and mask-wearing will still be required but questions remain on gatherings and the County expects additional guidance this week.
Livingston County Public Health Director Jennifer Rodriguez stated, “It is imperative that we remain diligent about flattening the curve even further through strict adherence to the standards of distancing, wearing masks and frequent washing or sanitizing our hands and places of contact. Any relaxation of these standards can result in a regression of our current conditions and could cause us to return to the prior phase or outright closures. We obviously do not want that.”
In order to re-open other aspects of the economy in Phase 2 – which could potentially start as early as June 1st – the Finger Lakes region must continue to meet all of the 7 benchmarks at the next review period toward the end of May. According to Governor Cuomo, subsequent phases and impacted sectors include:
· Phase 2 – Professional services (including Government), finances and insurance, retail, administrative support, real estate/rental leasing
· Phase 3 – Restaurants/food services and hotels/accommodations
· Phase 4 – Arts/entertainment/recreation and education
County Administrator Ian M. Coyle stated, “This County and this Region have done a great job at displaying responsible citizenship. Without the work of the people, we would not be able to meet these re-opening standards. On the plan itself, the County submitted ideas to the State that incorporated more elements for the Phase 1 re-opening. Alas, some suggestions have not gained traction in Albany. That being said, we are hopeful that trends stay where they are, allowing Phase 2 to begin on June 1st so we can reopen even more elements of our economy.”
“We have established a re-opening task force in Livingston County,” said Bill Bacon, Director of Livingston County Development. “Members of this task force include representatives from the County's main economic engines, including the Chamber of Commerce and Industrial Development Agency among others. We will announce the specific charges of this task force later this week.”
Bacon recommends that all businesses prepare a re-opening plan that is available to customers and employees upon request. Templates for business plans can be found here.
May 11, 2020
Today the Governor announced the Fingerlakes region gets to move forward on the 15. Essential businesses and services are up first brining back half of their non-essential workforce. Town and Village offices will be by appointment only and the Town Hall doors will remain locked. Masks in the Town Hall are mandatory. We will keep moving forward to the next gate on the 29th of May. MJF
May 8, 2020
COVID-19 resources for the Lima Ambulance and Fire Department are sent to us based on Census Data. If you have not completed the census, go to https://my2020census.gov/ or phone them at 1-844-330-2020. Help us help YOU!
May 7, 2020
Testing numbers help us to re-open. If you are an essential worker, call MCC to set up an appointment:
NYS COVID-19 TESTING @ MCC (by appointment only): 1-888-364-3065
Presently you can get tested if you meet one of the following:
· An individual is symptomatic or has a history of symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g. fever, cough, and/or trouble breathing), particularly if the individual is 70 years of age or older, the individual has a compromised immune system, or the individual has an underlying health condition; or
· An individual has had close (i.e. within six feet) or proximate contact with a person known to be positive with COVID-19; or
· An individual is subject to a precautionary or mandatory quarantine; or
· An individual is employed as a health care worker, first responder, or other essential worker who directly interacts with the public while working; or
· An individual presents with a case where the facts and circumstances – as determined by the treating clinician in consultation with state or local department of health officials – warrant testing.
May 6, 2020
We have another case to report in Lima:
The Livingston County Department of Health (LCDOH) reports five new positive cases of COVID-19 in Livingston County as of this morning, which brings the total number of positive cases to ninety-one.
According to Jennifer Rodriguez, Livingston County Public Health Director, these individuals and any associated household members are now in the LCDOH quarantine process.
.Male in his 50s who resides in Lima
.Female in her 20s who resides in Avon
.Male in his 70s who resides in Avon
.Female in her 40s who resides in Avon
. Female in her 60s who resides in Caledonia
For Lima that is 4 Active cases and 2 recoveries.
Limited COVID-19 testing is available for Livingston County residents at curbside testing locations. If you have a fever and/or a cough and want to get tested call the Livingston County Department of Health at 243-7299 or call your doctor.
May 5, 2020
We have another confirmed case in Lima:
The Livingston County Department of Health (LCDOH) reports two new positive cases of COVID-19 in Livingston County as of this morning, which brings the total number of positive cases to eighty-six.
According to Jennifer Rodriguez, Livingston County Public Health Director, these individuals and any associated household members are now in the LCDOH quarantine process.
.Male in his 70s who resides in Lima
.Female in her 20s who resides in Avon
Rodriguez stated that LCDOH will immediately begin outreach to identify close contacts and potential exposure areas per prescribed New York State regulations.
The updated numbers of positive and negative COVID-19 test results for Livingston County are:
Positive Test results: 86
Negative Test results: 1,192
LCDOH will continue to update these numbers daily on the County's dedicated
COVID-19 webpage at https://www.livingstoncounty.us/1207/COVID-19.
If you have a fever, cough or trouble breathing, please call your health care provider for an assessment of your symptoms. If you feel as though you may have had exposure to COVID-19, please call LCDOH at 585-243-7270. Call
1-877-280-6775 if you would like general information on COVID-19 or to learn how to volunteer. Livingston County Mental Health has created a help line for community members who need someone to talk to during these stressful times. This is a free and confidential service. Please call 585-243-7251, Monday - Friday from 9:00AM - 5:00PM.
May 4, 2020
The Livingston County Department of Health (LCDOH) reports two new positive cases of COVID-19 in Livingston County as of this morning, which brings the total number of positive cases to eighty-four.
According to Jennifer Rodriguez, Livingston County Public Health Director, these individuals and any associated household members are now in the LCDOH quarantine process.
.Male in his 30s who resides in Mount Morris .Female in her 80s who resides in Avon
Rodriguez stated that LCDOH will immediately begin outreach to identify close contacts and potential exposure areas per prescribed New York State regulations.
The updated numbers of positive and negative COVID-19 test results for Livingston County are:
Positive Test results: 84
Negative Test results: 1,142
LCDOH will continue to update these numbers daily on the County's dedicated
COVID-19 webpage at https://www.livingstoncounty.us/1207/COVID-19.
LCDOH is reporting a recent cluster of cases associated with Star Headlight and Lantern Company located in Avon. More than five cases have been attributed to this worksite, which employs more than 150 workers. LCDOH is working closely with this employer on infection control practices and quarantine measures.
If you have a fever, cough or trouble breathing, please call your health care provider for an assessment of your symptoms. If you feel as though you may have had exposure to COVID-19, please call LCDOH at 585-243-7270. Call
1-877-280-6775 if you would like general information on COVID-19 or to learn how to volunteer. Livingston County Mental Health has created a help line for community members who need someone to talk to during these stressful times. This is a free and confidential service. Please call 585-243-7251, Monday - Friday from 9:00AM - 5:00PM.
April 30, 2020
The mask distribution went well today. If you could not make it and are in need of masks call the Town Hall at 582-1130 and leave your contact information. We will make arrangements to get them to you. Stay Positive, we will get through this.
April 26, 2020
Thanks to the Town Highway Crew for the latest installment in the demolition on the Town Hall Façade. Now we have a pretty good picture of what repairs need to be done. Meanwhile the building continues to breathe and dry out. Stay tuned.
April 25, 2020
Mark you calendars now - Lima's annual 4th of July Fireworks Display is still on! Details on IF we will be able to congregate in the park itself that night are still TBD, but the display itself can be seen from many other spots in Town, not just the park. Something good to look forward to.
April 24, 2020
The Livingston County Dept. of Health has a dedicated COVID-19 webpage at
If you have a fever, cough or trouble breathing, please call your health care provider for an assessment of your symptoms. If you feel as though you may have had exposure to COVID-19, please call LCDOH at 585-243-7270. Call
1-877-280-6775 if you would like general information on COVID-19 or to learn how to volunteer. Livingston County Mental Health has created a help line for community members who need someone to talk to during these stressful times. This is a free and confidential service. Please call 585-243-7251, Monday - Friday from 9:00AM - 5:00PM. For COVID-19 information, visit Livingston County's dedicated COVID-19 Webpage and join us on Facebook, Twitter, and our YouTube Channel.
April 23, 2020
For tax filers, the economic impact payment will be deposited directly into the same banking account reflected on the return filed. The U.S. Treasury has developed a web-based portal for individuals to provide or confirm their banking information to the IRS in order to ensure they receive payments as a direct deposit as opposed to a paper check in the mail:
Follow the 'Get My Payment' tab
For security reasons, the IRS plans to mail a letter about the economic impact payment to the taxpayer's last known address within 15 days after the payment is paid. The letter will provide information on how the payment is made and how to report any failure to receive the payment.
April 22, 2020
Town Clean up days have been moved to June 19th and 20th. You will need a ticket in order to bring your items to the Town Highway Garage on Dublin St.
To obtain your ticket, phone the Town Clerk at 582-1130 or email clerk@townoflima.org - you must reside in the Town of Lima to be eligible.
April 21, 2020
Today it was announced that there are 2 more cases in Avon. This is part of the cluster at the Avon Nursing Home.
-Female in her 80s who resides in Avon
-Female in her 80s who resides in Avon
The updated numbers of positive and negative COVID-19 test results for Livingston County are:
Positive Test results: 51
Negative Test results: 572
LCDOH will continue to update these numbers daily on the County's dedicated
COVID-19 webpage at https://www.livingstoncounty.us/1207/COVID-19
April 20, 2020
The Francis M. Dalton American Legion Post 282 has cancelled the Memorial Day Parade and Ceremonies in Lima. Flags will still be put on the graves of Veterans prior to Memorial Day. Consider instead visiting our cemeteries and Veterans Monument (here at the Town Hall) to honor our Veterans on your own.
April 19, 2020
The fourth COVID-19-related death in Livingston County occurred on April 19, 2020, according to the Livingston County Department of Health (LCDOH).
Livingston County Public Health Director, Jennifer Rodriguez, confirmed that the Avon female in her 80s has passed away and had underlying health issues. The deceased was a resident of the Avon Nursing Home.
Rodriguez stated, "We extend our deepest sympathies to the family, friends and loved ones of the individual who unfortunately passed."
LCDOH also reports four new positive cases of COVID-19 in Livingston County as of this morning, which brings the total number of positive cases to forty-seven.
According to Rodriguez, these individuals and any associated household members are now in the LCDOH quarantine process.
.Male in his 20s who resides in Geneseo .Female in her 20s who resides in York .Male in his 40s who resides in Avon .Female in her 40s who resides in Avon
Livingston County Administrator Ian M. Coyle indicated one of the confirmed positives is a member of the County workforce but it was too early to tell if this was related to the recent findings last week of five (5) positives
among County staff. An investigation is pending.
Rodriguez stated that LCDOH will immediately begin outreach to identify close contacts and potential exposure areas per prescribed New York State regulations.
The updated numbers of positive and negative COVID-19 test results for Livingston County are:
Positive Test results: 47
Negative Test results: 511
LCDOH will continue to update these numbers daily on the County's dedicated
COVID-19 webpage at https://www.livingstoncounty.us/1207/COVID-19.
Additionally, in the interest of community transparency, the County will begin this week tabulating on its COVID-19 website any nursing home cases
and confirmed deaths of patients related to COVID-19 by nursing home.
If you have a fever, cough or trouble breathing, please call your health care provider for an assessment of your symptoms. If you feel as though you may have had exposure to COVID-19, please call LCDOH at 585-243-7270. Call
1-877-280-6775 if you would like general information on COVID-19 or to learn how to volunteer. Livingston County Mental Health has created a help line for community members who need someone to talk to during these stressful times. This is a free and confidential service. Please call 585-243-7251, Monday - Friday from 9:00AM - 5:00PM.
April 18, 2020
Part of the recovery is the Federal aid coming to local governments. This aid will keep your taxes down. The Census plays a key role in determining aid.
If you have not responded to the Census, take 5 minutes and do so today. If you have not received a card inviting you to apply (for instance because you have a PO box) you can respond now without it. Simply go to www.2020census.gov and click respond. It only takes a few minutes. The taxes you help lower are your own.
April 17, 2020
The Livingston County Department of Health (LCDOH) reports four new positive cases of COVID-19 in Livingston County as of this morning, which brings the total number of positive cases to forty-three.
According to Jennifer Rodriguez, Livingston County Public Health Director, these individuals and any associated household members are now in the LCDOH quarantine process.
Female in her 60s who resides in Geneseo .Female in her 60s who resides in Mount Morris .Female in her 50s who resides in Conesus .Female in her 20s who resides in Nunda
In accordance with state and federal medical privacy laws, additional information about these individuals will not be provided. LCDOH was notified of these positive cases this morning.
Rodriguez stated that LCDOH will immediately begin outreach to identify close contacts and potential exposure areas per prescribed New York State regulations.
Livingston County Administrator Ian M. Coyle reports that recent positive cases indicate a cluster among the County government staff. As such, anyone who visited the following location may have been exposed to COVID-19:
Livingston County Department of Health
Building #2
Murray Hill Drive, Mount Morris, NY
Potential Exposure:
April 13, 2020 - April 16, 2020
8:00AM - 4:00PM daily
*** Please immediately contact LCDOH at 585-243-7270 ONLY IF you were at the Livingston County Department of Health, Building #2 during this time AND you are showing symptoms or have questions*** LCDOH is open Saturdays and Sundays from 8:00AM to 4:00PM in addition to its normal weekday hours.
LCDOH will promptly begin additional investigations to assess possible origins and spread patterns among staff. In addition, Building #2 has been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
Livingston County officials have been preparing for the possibility that employees might test positive for COVID-19 or need to self-quarantine since the beginning of this crisis. The county will continue to take every precaution to prevent the spread of COVID-19, which includes increased cleaning and encouraging staff who can work remotely to do so. All employees were notified of the situation this morning. County officials are asking employees and others to practice compassion and respect for the privacy of these employees and others who may be self-quarantined.
"Amid this crisis, the greatest exposure risk we have as an employer is with our front line staff," said Coyle. "Our public health employees are doing incredible work in the field to trace the spread of COVID-19, and thus, they are routinely exposed to the risk of infection. Unfortunately, the spread has now reached some of our own Livingston County family."
Coyle continued, "Thousands of COVID-19 positive cases across the country are individuals who work in the healthcare industry and on the front lines of this battle against COVID-19. Please take a moment to send positive thoughts and prayers to those in the public health arena who are putting their own health and safety at risk to protect others."
The updated numbers of positive and negative COVID-19 test results for Livingston County are:
Positive Test results: 43
Negative Test results: 442
LCDOH will continue to update these numbers daily on the County's dedicated
COVID-19 webpage at https://www.livingstoncounty.us/1207/COVID-19.
If you have a fever, cough or trouble breathing, please call your health care provider for an assessment of your symptoms. If you feel as though you may have had exposure to COVID-19, please call LCDOH at 585-243-7270. Call
1-877-280-6775 if you would like general information on COVID-19 or to learn how to volunteer. Livingston County Mental Health has created a help line for community members who need someone to talk to during these stressful times. This is a free and confidential service. Please call 585-243-7251, Monday - Friday from 9:00AM - 5:00PM.
April 16, 2020
The Livingston County Department of Health (LCDOH) reports four new positive cases of COVID-19 in Livingston County as of this morning, which brings the total number of positive cases to forty-three.
NY Pause will be extended in coordination with other states to May 15th
You must wear a mask when riding:
On public transportation systems (the operator and rider need to wear masks) Private transportation carriers and for-hire vehicles All operators of public systems, private carriers, and for-hire vehicles must wear a mask at all times Effective this Friday at 8 pm.
April 15, 2020
The June 23rd Election is still on. Here are your options:
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Cuomo's Executive Order
202.15 provides New York State voters the opportunity to apply for absentee ballots electronically for elections held on or before June 23, 2020 with no requirement for an in-person signature.
Applications for absentee ballots can be completed and submitted on the Livingston County Board of Elections web site:
lication-This-form-will-only-143 . Absentee ballots will be mailed 30-45 days prior to the election.
If your preference is to vote in-person, there will be early voting beginning June 13, 2020. In addition, polls will be open from 6:00AM - 9:00PM on June 23, 2020. More details will be forthcoming.
For questions regarding absentee ballots, please call the Livingston County Board of Elections at 585-243-7090 or 585-335-1705.
April 14, 2020
COVID-19 Curbside Testing Available in Livingston County - But CALL FIRST!!!
The Livingston County Department of Health (LCDOH), in partnership with Noyes Health, would like to inform residents that curbside testing for
COVID-19 is available at two sites in Dansville and Geneseo.
Curbside testing allows individuals to stay in their vehicles while getting tested and is meant to help slow the spread of COVID-19.
If you have COVID-19 symptoms - fever, cough, or trouble breathing - you will need to first call your primary care physician to get a requisition.
**If you do not have a healthcare provider, please call LCDOH at
585-243-7270 to see if you meet the COVID-19 testing criteria** The requisition should be faxed to 585-335-4282 for the Dansville site and
585-991-6020 for the Geneseo site.
You will then need to call Noyes Memorial Hospital at 585-335-6001 to set up an appointment for curbside testing at one of its two locations:
111 Clara Barton Street
Dansville, NY 14437
50 East South Street
Geneseo, NY 14454
Appointments will be available from 12PM until 2PM Monday through Friday in Dansville and 7 days a week in Geneseo.
For more information on or assistance with the coordination of curbside testing, please call LCDOH at 585-243-7270.
April 13, 2020
There is another positive COVID 19 case in Lima. Here is the press release:
The Livingston County Department of Health (LCDOH) reports one new positive case of COVID-19 in Livingston County as of this morning, which brings the total number of positive cases to thirty-five.
According to Jennifer Rodriguez, Livingston County Public Health Director, the individual is a female in her 80s who resides in Lima. She is now in the LCDOH quarantine process.
In accordance with state and federal medical privacy laws, additional information about this individual will not be provided. LCDOH was notified of this positive case this morning.
Rodriguez stated that LCDOH will immediately begin outreach to identify close contacts and potential exposure areas per prescribed New York State regulations.
The updated numbers of positive and negative COVID-19 test results for Livingston County are:
Positive Test results: 35
Negative Test results: 349
LCDOH will continue to update these numbers daily on the County’s dedicated COVID-19 webpage at:
April 12, 2020
Today is Easter Sunday and I hope the day brings you some peace and serenity.
Tonight into tomorrow however we have a severe weather alert for high winds. Expect power issues to come with those.
If you have a portable generator, only run it outdoors - never inside your home or garage. Please corral the fly away items like your trash and recycling totes.
Tuesday should be better.
April 11, 2020
If you own a business, do not 'self exclude' from the PPP and EIDL programs.
The Livingston County Chamber of Commerce held a webinar with SBA & SCORE representatives online this past Tuesday. The SBA advice is to apply for all the programs as soon as you can. Application review takes time. The sooner you get in the queue, the sooner some relief will be headed your way.
If you want to see the webinar, contact the Livingston County Chamber of Commerce at 585-243-2222. Free advice and help can also be had from the Livingston County Economic Development Office 585-243-7124.
April 10, 2020
Livingston County officials report that, in less than 24 hours, registration has quickly reached capacity and is now closed for the two drive-thru food distribution events in Dansville and Geneseo on April 15th and 18th, respectively. Those who registered online will receive pick-up instructions via email in the coming days. Livingston County and Foodlink anticipate another food distribution event in the near future.
That said, there is no reason for anyone in our community to go hungry. If you need help with food, call 582-1130. Say "Food" and leave your phone number. Someone will call you back.
April 9, 2020
Drive-Thru Food Distribution Events Scheduled for April 15th and 18th in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic
Geneseo, NY, April 9, 2020 — Two drive-thru food distribution events will be held April 15th and 18th in Livingston County to assist households in need of food support during this public health emergency. Registration is on a first come, first served basis for Livingston County residents only.
Livingston County has partnered with Foodlink to supply each of the registered households with a 25-pound box of non-perishable, emergency food items in response to the COVID-19 crisis.
Angela Ellis, Deputy County Administrator, stated, “We would like to thank Foodlink, county staff, and the dedicated volunteers who make these distribution events possible. Our hearts fill with pride to see the Livingston County community coming together to provide food support in this time of need.”
Ellis continued, “Both events will involve no-touch distribution. Proper social distancing will be maintained at all times in order to protect the health and safety of registrants and volunteers.”
The two food distribution events are as follows:
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
4:00PM – 7:00PM
Dansville Central School District, 282 Main Street, Dansville, NY 14437
Saturday, April 18, 2020
10:00AM – 1:00PM
Geneseo Central School District, 4050 Avon Geneseo Road, Geneseo, NY 14454
· PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED! Register online at https://tinyurl.com/two88cd or call 585-243-7110 and follow the prompts.
***Registration is on a first come, first served basis***
· THESE ARE DRIVE-THRU, CONTACT-FREE EVENTS! You must stay in your vehicle and put a piece of paper with your first and last name in the window facing out for volunteers to see at check-in. You may experience a wait time as the drive-thru volume increases. Please be sure your vehicle has enough gas.
· PLEASE HAVE TRUNK CLEANED OUT! The box of emergency food will be placed into the trunk of each vehicle. Once your trunk is closed and tapped, you may drive away.
· NO WALK-UPS! Only pre-registered households in vehicles will be served.
April 8, 2020
The new guidance today is 5 minutes or less and 10 feet (no longer 6).
Keeping the distance is working, just add the other 4 feet now.
If you have a fever, cough or trouble breathing, please call your health care provider for an assessment of your symptoms. If you feel as though you may have had exposure to COVID-19, please call LCDOH at 585-243-7270. Call
1-877-280-6775 if you would like general information on COVID-19 or to learn how to volunteer. Livingston County Mental Health has created a help line for community members who need someone to talk to during these stressful times. This is a free and confidential service. Please call 585-243-7251, Monday - Friday from 9:00AM - 5:00PM.
Here is the link to the Livingston County COVID 19 page which includes resources and the county outbreak map:
April 7, 2020
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is now recommending that people voluntarily wear cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain - such as grocery stores and pharmacies - in order to combat the community spread of COVID-19.
According to Jennifer Rodriguez, Livingston County Public Health Director, "Cloth face coverings should not replace social distancing. These should be considered an additional protective measure in our fight to stop the transmission of COVID-19. These coverings help to slow the spread, primarily by reducing the risk of someone giving the virus to others - especially when that someone may have the virus but does not know it."
The CDC reports that cloth face coverings should:
.Include multiple layers of fabric
.Allow for breathing without restriction .Fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face . Be secured with ties or ear loops . Be able to be laundered and machine dried without damage or change to shape
The recommended cloth face coverings are not surgical masks or N-95 respirators. Surgical masks and respirators are in short supply and must continue to be reserved for medical first responders.
Rodriguez states, "This CDC recommendation does not replace - but rather, it complements - our social distancing efforts. It is critical that we continue to wash our hands regularly, cover our coughs, stay at home whenever possible and maintain 6-feet social distancing in order to slow the spread of COVID-19."
For more information on this CDC recommendation, please visit www.cdc.gov or click here.
If you have a fever, cough or trouble breathing, please call your health care provider for an assessment of your symptoms. If you feel as though you may have had exposure to COVID-19, please call LCDOH at 585-243-7270. Call
1-877-280-6775 if you would like general information on COVID-19 or to learn how to volunteer. Livingston County Mental Health has created a help line for community members who need someone to talk to during these stressful times. This is a free and confidential service. Please call 585-243-7251, Monday - Friday from 9:00AM - 5:00PM. For COVID-19 information, please visit Livingston County's dedicated COVID-19 webpage and join us on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
April 6, 2020
If you were in the exposure area, please call the Livingston County Health Dept now. See below...
The Livingston County Department of Health (LCDOH) reports two new positive cases of COVID-19 in Livingston County as of this morning, which brings the total number of positive cases to twenty-six.
According to Jennifer Rodriguez, Livingston County Public Health Director, both individuals were tested separately at urgent care facilities in Monroe County and are currently in private residences under mandatory quarantine per LCDOH.
.Female in her 30s who resides in Livonia; four household members related to this case are also under mandatory quarantine .Male in his 40s who resides in York; five household members related to this case are also under mandatory quarantine
In accordance with state and federal medical privacy laws, additional information about these individuals will not be provided. LCDOH was notified of these positive cases this morning.
Rodriguez stated that LCDOH will immediately begin outreach to identify close contacts and potential exposure areas per prescribed New York State regulations.
As related to the above cases, LCDOH reports that anyone who visited the following location in Livingston County may have been exposed to COVID-19:
Dollar General, 7 Main Street, Livonia, NY
Potential Exposure:
Friday, April 3, 2020; between 3:30PM - 4:00PM
*** Please immediately contact LCDOH at 585-243-7270 ONLY IF you were at Dollar General at this time AND you are showing symptoms or have
questions*** LCDOH is open Saturdays and Sundays from 8:00AM to 4:00PM in addition to its normal weekday hours.
Rodriguez said, "We strongly encourage all residents to practice social distancing and stay home whenever possible to slow the spread of COVID-19."
The updated numbers of positive and negative COVID-19 test results for Livingston County are:
Positive Test results: 26
Negative Test results: 233
LCDOH will continue to update these numbers daily on the County's dedicated
COVID-19 webpage at https://www.livingstoncounty.us/1207/COVID-19.
If you have a fever, cough or trouble breathing, please call your health care provider for an assessment of your symptoms. If you feel as though you may have had exposure to COVID-19, please call LCDOH at 585-243-7270. Call
1-877-280-6775 if you would like general information on COVID-19 or to learn how to volunteer. Livingston County Mental Health has created a help line for community members who need someone to talk to during these stressful times. This is a free and confidential service. Please call 585-243-7251, Monday - Friday from 9:00AM - 5:00PM.
April 5, 2020
Livingston County today is reporting 2 more cases in North Dansville. To see the Livingston County Outbreak map go to:
The state tracker is there now along with many crisis resources.
A reminder that starting the 8th the food pantry will be delivery only.
There is no reason for anyone in our community to go hungry. If you need assistance with food, call 582-1130. You do not need to leave your name, just say you need food assistance and your phone number and someone will contact you to make arrangements.
Remember, if you have a true Town Emergency, call my cell phone 585-509-1433.
April 4, 2020
The Livingston County Department of Health (LCDOH) reports two new positive cases of COVID-19 in Livingston County as of this morning, which brings the total number of positive cases to twenty-two.
According to Jennifer Rodriguez, Livingston County Public Health Director, both individuals were tested separately at their respective medical providers' offices and are currently under mandatory quarantine per LCDOH.
One is a Male in his 60s who resides in Lima; one household member related to this case is under mandatory quarantine; The other is a Female in her 50s who resides in North Dansville; one household member related to this case is under mandatory quarantine
In accordance with state and federal medical privacy laws, additional information about these individuals will not be provided. LCDOH was notified of these positive cases this morning.
Rodriguez stated that LCDOH will immediately begin outreach to identify close contacts and potential exposure areas per prescribed New York State regulations.
Rodriguez states, "We should by now assume that COVID-19 is in and around the community, so we continue to urge all residents to regularly wash their hands and practice social distancing. Working together as a community, we can help slow the spread of this virus."
The updated numbers of positive and negative COVID-19 test results for Livingston County are:
Positive Test results: 22
Negative Test results: 196
LCDOH will continue to update these numbers daily on the County's dedicated
COVID-19 webpage at https://www.livingstoncounty.us/1207/COVID-19.
If you have a fever, cough or trouble breathing, please call your health care provider for an assessment of your symptoms. If you feel as though you may have had exposure to COVID-19, please call LCDOH at 585-243-7270. Call
1-877-280-6775 if you would like general information on COVID-19 or to learn how to volunteer. Livingston County Mental Health has created a help line for community members who need someone to talk to during these stressful times. This is a free and confidential service. Please call 585-243-7251, Monday - Friday from 9:00AM - 5:00PM.
April 3, 2020
It is just 5 minutes - please take the time to reach out via phone to someone you know today:
Livingston County residents are encouraged to participate in a new campaign called Take 5 for New York. The campaign highlights the importance of taking five minutes out of each day to call a friend, loved one, or acquaintance who may be alone and feeling isolated during this period of social distancing. It is part of a state-wide effort promoted by the New York State Association of Counties (NYSAC).
“Participating county officials are calling on their residents to take just five minutes of everyday to call on a loved one, friend, neighbor, acquaintance to say hi, check on them, see if they need anything, lift their spirits, and tell them they are not alone, “ said NYSAC Executive Director, Stephen Acquario. “It doesn’t matter what you talk about. You can talk about this crisis or the latest show you are watching. The point is connecting with people in our community who could use it the most.”
This statewide campaign is being launched with the hashtag #Take5ForNY.
April 2, 2020
A thank you to Jones Chemical and Sweetners Plus for pooling their talents to come up with the disinfectant solution that was provided to Livingston County who in turn distributed it to the Lima Ambulance, Fire Dept, Town and Village Highway Depts & the Town Hall.
Please continue to recycle your plastics and other items. The plastics are being used by the re-tooled factories to produce medical equipment and supplies. There are rules. If you put something in your bin that is not recyclable (Styrofoam) the whole bin is rejected. Please follow the rules carefully. If you do not know the rules, call Shanks Enterprises at 624-2126.
The Blood Drive is at the Town Hall on Friday April 3rd. The need is great, please give if you can.
April 1, 2020
The scaffolding is gone and the front of the Town Hall looks more like it did originally. With the Asbestos gone the next step is to remove the rotting door surround and the small tin roof on the front that went with the old theater marquis. Then we can see how much masonry needs to be repaired and set the replacement flooring in the front foyer. Baby steps. No more peeling paint.
Tax collection is completed here for the Town and County taxes. The 65 parcels that were unpaid have been sent to Livingston County per usual for them to collect.
The COVID 19 journey is not over. Please maintain the social distancing and absorb as much sunshine as you can. Stay positive, we will get through this.
March 31, 2020
This is from the Lima Food Pantry:
Effective April 8 Please be informed that the Lima Food Pantry will be operating as "DELIVERY ONLY" until further notice.
We are taking these steps in an effort to keep you, your family, and your friends healthy throughout the current situation.
There will be no personal contact at any time. We will leave the delivery on your porch (or other designated location), and call to let you know it is there.
We encourage you to use our service when the need arises. There is no reason for anyone to be hungry during this crisis.
Please call Sally at 582-6787 to request a delivery. If there is no answer, leave a message, and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
March 31, 2020
The first COVID-19-related death occurred in Livingston County on March 28, 2020, according to the Livingston County Department of Health (LCDOH).
Post-mortem testing on March 30, 2020 confirmed that a Caledonia male in his
20s who died suddenly at home was indeed COVID-19 positive. Prior to his
death, he had not been tested for the virus nor was he a person under investigation (PUI) with LCDOH. One household member related to this case has tested negative for COVID-19; however, they will remain under mandatory quarantine to closely monitor symptoms.
In accordance with state and federal medical privacy laws, additional information about this individual will not be provided.
"We know this virus is deadly and now that reality has hit home in a terrible, tragic way. We are sending our deepest condolences to this man's family and friends," said Jennifer Rodriguez, Livingston County Public Health Director. "To our residents, stay home and stay safe. We must work together to protect the health and safety of all community members."
If you have a fever, cough or trouble breathing, please call your health care provider for an assessment of your symptoms. If you feel as though you may have had exposure to COVID-19, please call LCDOH at 585-243-7270. Call
1-877-280-6775 if you would like general information on COVID-19 or to learn how to volunteer.
March 30, 2020
You are now cooking more at home than you ever thought you would. Take the time to clean out the grease trap in your exhaust fan and be mindful of the frying oil. This is no time for a cooking based house fire. Another COVID
19 tip is to open all the windows on your car and run the defroster fan on full to help 'clean out' what is in your car ducts EACH TIME you start up your car. Healthy breathing = healthy you!
March 30, 2020
Good news! Today we received the last easement needed to connect the sidewalk on 15A to the end of the Village sidewalk at the Baptist church.
Work courtesy of the Town Highway Dept. will begin on the south corner of Rexon and 15A soon.
March 29, 2020
Today the Town of Lima has its first positive case of COVID 19. A male in his 40s is quarantined at home. Please continue to social distance and keep washing your hands frequently and when the sun is out, enjoy it!
That said, 54% of the cases in Livingston County are people in their 20s, 30s and 40s. No one is bulletproof in this scenario. Skip the get togethers and congregating - the people you save are your friends and family.
March 28, 2020
Livingston County now has 10 cases of Covid 19. A significant number are in the 18 - 40 year range. If you know people in this age range, call them!
Tell them to maintain their social distances and hand washing. This affects them too!
If you or anyone you know needs help with food, the Lima Food pantry is ready to help. Simply phone the Town Hall at 582-1130. You do not need to give your name. Just mention "food pantry help" and leave a phone number where you can be reached. A food pantry volunteer will get back to you within 24 hours.
March 27, 2020
Here is the link to the new Livingston County Outbreak Map:
Livingston County COVID-19 webpage:
March 26, 2020
The Livingston County Department of Health (LCDOH) is reporting two new positive cases of COVID-19 in Livingston County as of this morning, which brings the total number of positive cases to seven.
According to Jennifer Rodriguez, Livingston County Public Health Director, the first individual is a female in her 30s who resides in Geneseo and was tested at her medical provider's office. She is currently in a private residence under mandatory quarantine. Two household members related to this case are also under mandatory quarantine. The second individual is a male in his 20s who resides in Geneseo and was tested at his medical provider's office. He is currently in a private residence under mandatory quarantine.
One household member related to this case is also under mandatory quarantine.
In accordance with state and federal medical privacy laws, additional information about these individual will not be provided. LCDOH was notified of these positive cases this morning.
Rodriguez stated that LCDOH will immediately begin outreach to identify close contacts and potential exposure areas per prescribed New York State regulations.
As related to the above cases, LCDOH reports that anyone who visited the following locations in Livingston County may have been exposed to COVID-19:
Location: The Idle Hour, 5 Center Street, Geneseo, NY Potential Exposure: Saturday, March 14, 2020; between 9:00PM - 10:30PM
Location: Wegmans, 4287 Genesee Valley Plaza Road, Geneseo, NY Potential Exposure: Sunday, March 15, 2020; between 10:00AM - 11:00AM
*** Please immediately contact LCDOH at 585-243-7270 ONLY IF you were at The Idle Hour or Wegmans at these times AND if you are showing symptoms or have
questions*** LCDOH is open Saturdays and Sundays from 8:00AM to 4:00PM in addition to its normal weekday hours.
Rodriguez said, "As we continue to see community spread of COVID-19 in Livingston County, we strongly encourage all residents to practice social distancing and stay home whenever possible to slow the spread."
The updated numbers of positive and negative COVID-19 test results for Livingston County are:
Positive Test results: 7
Negative Test results: 72
LCDOH will continue to update these numbers daily on the County's dedicated
COVID-19 webpage at https://www.livingstoncounty.us/1207/COVID-19.
If you have a fever, cough or trouble breathing, please call your health care provider for an assessment of your symptoms. If you feel as though you may have had exposure to COVID-19, please call LCDOH at 585-243-7290.
Additionally, the Lima Public Library is working on Digital Library Cards so you would be able to access the collection online. The Library's wifi system is also available from outside in the Library parking lot.
March 25, 2020
A quiet day with no new COVID 19 cases in Livingston County. The asbestos project on the Town Hall Façade is in full swing with the crew making good progress so far. Take out is still available in Lima from: American Hotel 624-9464, Fanatics 624-2080, Jonny B's Custom BBQ 582-PORK & Lima Family Restaurant 624-9123. Spring came last Friday so start your seedlings and plan your garden. There is some evidence now that UV rays will help to stop the spread of the COVID 19 virus (like any other virus). Gardening outside is a great way to get those UV rays to lend their assistance. Make time to relax away from the news cycle each day. Unplug just a little and you will lessen your stress. MJF
March 24, 2020
The Livingston County Department of Health (LCDOH) is reporting one new positive case of COVID-19 in Livingston County as of this afternoon, which brings the total number of positive cases to five.
According to Jennifer Rodriguez, Livingston County Public Health Director, the individual is a female in her 60s who resides in York and is at her home under mandatory quarantine. One household member related to this case is also under mandatory quarantine. LCDOH was notified of this positive case this afternoon.
Rodriguez stated that LCDOH will immediately begin outreach to identify close contacts and potential exposure areas per prescribed New York State regulations.
The updated numbers of positive and negative COVID-19 test results for Livingston County are:
Positive Test results: 5
Negative Test results: 47
LCDOH will continue to update these numbers daily on the County's dedicated
COVID-19 webpage at https://www.livingstoncounty.us/1207/COVID-19.
If you have a fever, cough or trouble breathing, please call your health care provider for an assessment of your symptoms. If you feel as though you may have had exposure to COVID-19, please call LCDOH at 585- 243-7290.
If your business was blind sided by the crisis there is some help available.
Call the Livingston County Economic Development office for guidance and a comprehensive list of what is available to you: 243-7124.
Reminder: for non-Covid-related concerns (food security, other assistance), older adults can call NY Connects: 1-888-443-7520
March 23, 2020
Some info from Senator Gallivan:
If you are a business owner, here are some other useful resources.
. Empire State Development Guidance for Determining Whether a Business
Enterprise is Subject to a Workforce Reduction:
. Small Business Loans:
. ESD has created an email to handle offers of assistance from
businesses who want to donate supplies. This is for companies that manufacture. COVID19supplies@esd.ny.gov
. For agriculture industry: https://agriculture.ny.gov/coronavirus
In other news the Asbestos removal on the front of the Town Hall has started. Side entrance only for now. No access to the top floor. Use the dropbox at the side entrance or mail for documents as much as possible. You can always leave a message for us at the Town hall at 582-1130. You call will be returned within 24 hours. If you have a Town emergency, call my cell phone 585-509-1433.
March 23, 2020
Geneseo, NY, March 23, 2020 - The Livingston County Department of Health
(LCDOH) is reporting two new positive cases of COVID-19 in Livingston County as of March 23, 2020, which brings the total number of positive cases to four.
According to Jennifer Rodriguez, Livingston County Public Health Director, the first individual is a male in his 80s who resides in Avon and is in the hospital. Two family members related to this case are at home under mandatory quarantine. LCDOH was notified late last evening of this positive case. The second individual is a male in his 40s residing in Livonia. There are three family members related to this case at home under mandatory quarantine. LCDOH was notified of this positive case early this morning.
Rodriguez stated that LCDOH will immediately begin outreach to identify close contacts and potential exposure areas per prescribed New York State regulations.
"With enhanced testing capacity, positive cases will continue to come into the Health Department and we will see our numbers increase. As a reminder - we are asking our community members to practice social distancing and stay home whenever possible to control the spread of this virus," said Rodriguez.
The updated numbers of positive and negative COVID-19 test results for Livingston County are:
Positive Test results: 4
Negative Test results: 40
LCDOH will continue to update these numbers daily on the County's dedicated
COVID-19 webpage at https://www.livingstoncounty.us/1207/COVID-19.
If you have a fever, cough or trouble breathing, please call your health care provider for an assessment of your symptoms. If you feel as though you may have had exposure to COVID-19, please call LCDOH at 585-243-7290.
March 22, 2020
As of March 22, 2020, the Livingston County
Department of Health (LCDOH) is reporting no new positive cases of
COVID-19 in Livingston County. The total number of positive cases remains
at two.
The updated numbers of positive and negative COVID-19 test results for
Livingston County are:
Positive Test results: 2
Negative Test results: 38
LCDOH will continue to update these numbers daily on the County’s
dedicated COVID-19 webpage at
If you have a fever, cough or trouble breathing, please call your health
care provider for an assessment of your symptoms. If you feel as though
you may have had exposure to COVID-19, please call LCDOH at 585-243-7290.
March 21, 2020
The Livingston County Department of Health (LCDOH) is reporting no new positive cases of COVID-19 in Livingston County as of March 21, 2020. The total number of positive cases remains at two.
The updated numbers of positive and negative COVID-19 test results for Livingston County are:
Positive Test results: 2
Negative Test results: 34
LCDOH will continue to update these numbers daily on the County's dedicated
COVID-19 webpage at https://www.livingstoncounty.us/1207/COVID-19.
If you need assistance with crisis related questions some answers from Livingston County are available here:
Business questions : Economic Development 243-7124; Workforce questions:
Workforce Development 243-7047; Interpretation of Crisis regulations (essential businesses, etc): Planning Dept 243-7550
March 20, 2020
Some news from the NY State side of things:
- Reduction of non-essential private sector business workforces to 100% -
all employees must work from home. Guidance for determining essential vs.
nonessential here:
- Enacting stricter provisions on citizen movement to help protect our communities. Civil fines apply to non-compliant businesses but not individuals at this time. Provisions take effect Sunday night, 3/22.
-Per the CDC: 20% of COVID-19 hospitalizations are ages 20-44 and even if asymptomatic, can still spread the virus.
- Moratorium on residential and commercial evictions for 90 days.
Here is the link to the Livingston County COVID 19 Stats Ticker:
Remember that virus testing is only for those presenting systems. Call your General Practitioner or the Dept of Health to discuss symptoms.
Town Hall is open for food pantry donations 9 to noon 7 days a week.
March 19, 2020
Today we had the first positive case of the COVID 19 virus in Livingston County. A Male in his 80s in Geneseo was tested at a hospital in Monroe County and is now quarantined at home.
Libraries and malls are to close today.
Non-essential private workforce has to be reduced by 75%.
Department of Financial Services ordering banks & financial institutions to waive mortgage payments for 90 days based on financial hardship.
We are still accepting donations for the food pantry daily between 9am and noon. Just put them inside the side door to the Town Hall, the box is marked. Gift cards for the food pantry can be dropped in the Town Hall drop box.
This is an excellent time to plan your Victory Garden. Start your seedlings now and be ready to plant by Memorial Day.
Starting tomorrow (20th) there will be 4 takeout options in Lima: American Hotel 624-9464, Fanatics 624-2080, Jonny B's Custom BBQ 582-PORK & Lima Family Restaurant 624-9123.
Be sure to take a breather from watching the news - take some time for yourself to decompress. We will get through this!
March 18, 2020
For HFL students:
School Meal Program FREE! The Honeoye Falls-Lima School Food Service Program is participating in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s School Closure Meal Program, which provides: Free Meals to Students During the COVID 19 School Closure All Honeoye Falls-Lima School Students can participate
Questions: Leave a message for Jill Gemme at 624-7044 or Jill.Gemme@hflcsd.org When? Starting Wednesday, March 18, continuing M-F until schools reopen. Where and When? Breakfast/Lunch meal pick up from
11:00 am - 1:00 pm at the High School Church Street Bus Loop Door #22 and also at the Lima Primary School in the parent drop-off loop All meals will be picked up for consumption back at family homes- there will be no meal consumption on site FREE! Meals provided by USDA Delivery? If your family is unable to pick up meals please call Transportation at 624-7045 and we will work to provide.
This is a grab and go meal. ● There are no income requirements or registration. ● We are working with the USDA to consider and to get clearance to provide options for parents, guardians, and senior citizens to purchase the meals for a nominal fee. If you would be interested please give us a call.
Want lunch or dinner? Take out meals are available from the American Hotel 624-9464, Fanatics 624-2080 & Lima Family Restaurant 624-9123
- The White House released guidelines for the US this week:
- The White House's $1 trillion stimulus request apparently includes:
1) $150 billion in secured lending or loan guarantees to assist "critical sectors of the U.S. economy" affected by the pandemic. Industries not listed in memo.
2) Economic Impact Payments in the form of checks to American adults, at least $1,000 with payments tiered at fixed rate based on income.
3) Small Business Interruption Loans of $300 billion total. Businesses with
500 employees or fewer eligible to cover payroll.
- Walmart in Geneseo is actively hiring temporary workers
March 17, 2020
The Lima Town offices will be open daily by appointment. Call 582-1130 to schedule and you will get a call back within 24 hours. If it is a Town emergency call my cell phone 585-509-1433. You can still reach the Code Enforcement Officer at 624-7911 and the Assessor at 624-6120. The Lima Town Court is closed until further notice.
The Lima Diner and Fanatics are open for takeout starting today March 17.
The American Hotel will have takeout starting Wednesday the 18th. Remember to maintain your distance as you wait in line.
Here are some excellent tips from our Health Dept:
. Make time to unwind. Take breaks from watching, reading, or
listening to news stories.
. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
If soap and water is not available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
. Put distance between yourself and other people. This is especially
important the elderly and people who have serious chronic medical conditions.
. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces daily.
. Avoid crowds and all non-essential travel.
March 16, 2020
Today the Livingston County Board of Supervisors held an emergency meeting regarding the COVID 19 outbreak. The situation is evolving rapidly. Bars and restaurants are take out only here in NY as of 8pm tonight. The Village elections will now be held on April 28th. There will be decontamination support for the polling places. However, if you feel sick, stay home. The Livingston County Health Dept has established a toll free hotline 1-877-280-6775. If you have symptoms, call them. Here is the link for the Livingston County Health Dept. COVID-19 information page: https://www.livingstoncounty.us/1207/COVID-19
Livingston County's Emergency Operations Center has been activated and staffed. Emergency channels of supply are active and accessible to our first responders. Local Government has been directed to go to half staffing if possible. Hours at the Town Hall will be intermittent. You can leave a message at 582-1130 and your call will be returned within 24 hours. If you have a true Town Emergency, call my cell phone 585-509-1433. Keep your hands clean and your distances absolute and we will come through this just fine.
March 16, 2020
Here are the President's Guidelines to stop the spread of COVID 19:
March 15, 2020
This afternoon a meeting was held with HFL school/HF/Lima/Mendon leadership to discuss emergency services and supporting those in our community at risk or with needs.
1. Information that flows down from county will be posted to the Town website. Check back on a regular basis for updates. Fire and EMS are getting updates from the county on a regular basis and continue to follow their protocols.
2. School will be providing meals for those students who normally receive food assistance. The faith community will be assisting.
3. We'll encourage residents to use the HFL community Covid 19 group to offer or request help from others we are trying to centralize volunteer services through this group. This will also be a resource if you have a need or something you'd like to offer to the group.
4. The food pantry at the Lima Town hall will has specific needs. They currently are: Juice, cereal, pasta sauce, canned fruit, tuna fish, laundry detergent, hand soap, dish soap, shampoo, body wash. If you wish to donate, just drop the items off at the town hall.
We will also be collecting and distributing $10 gift cards for local merchants HFMP/Dollar General/Tops. If you'd like to donate please only purchase $10 cards. Gift cards can be sealed in an envelope and dropped in the secure drop box at the Lima Town Hall-it's on the outside of the building near the side entrance. If you need to reach the food pantry call our confidential coordinator Sally Bloom 582-6787.
5. If you require rides or would like to volunteer rides Friends in Service Here (FISH) will continue to coordinate 453-2370.
6. If you need prescriptions filled Lima Village Pharmacy offers delivery 624-9777.
7. If you are not feeling well and have coronavirus symptoms please call your primary doctor first or telemedicine provider. Excellus has a medicare
24/7 hotline 1-800-348-9786 for medical questions. If you need ambulance please call 911. The 911 center will route your call to the ambulance or a county health official to get you the appropriate help.
If you have a TRUE emergency please call 911.
March 14, 2020
As of 5pm today, Livingston County is under a state of emergency. What can you do as a resident of Livingston County? Here are some answers courtesy of Livingston County Administrator Ian Coyle:
• Be patient and know that processes, policies and everyday norms will be
• Wash your hands and practice good hygiene.
• Stay home from work if you are sick.
• Check on loved ones.
• Promote and practice social distancing.
• Be prepared but not scared.
• Instead of physically visiting a government building, consider alternative means.
Please mail, email, or call.
And finally – specific to the health of our community - If you have a fever, cough or
trouble breathing please call your health care provider to assess. If you feel as though
you may have had exposure to COVID-19 please call the County Department of Health
at 585-243-7290.
Additionally, I would add that Lima has a drop box on the west side of the town hall. Use the drop box to make payments without having to enter the building. If you have questions, please call the town offices at 582-1130. MJF
February 27, 2020
At last there is some movement on the K&K Stripping building cleanup on Buell Ave. If you want to be part of the process the public hearing details are here:
NYSDEC Invites Public Comment About Cleanup Proposal for State Superfund Site on Buell Ave., Lima; Public Meeting Scheduled
This link opens a fact sheet that invites public comment about a proposed
remedy to
address contamination related to the K&K Stripping Site #826021 (Lima,
County) within New York's State Superfund Program:
NYSDEC is accepting public comments about the proposal through March 26,
NYSDEC also has scheduled a public meeting on March 17, 2020 at 6:30 PM at
Region 8 Headquarters, 6274 East Avon-Lima Road, Avon, NY 14414 to discuss the proposed remedy and accept public comments. Please see fact sheet for details about the proposed remedy, meeting, and comment period.
The fact sheet is in PDF format. You can save, open, and read the fact
sheet by using
Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can go
to the
following web page on the NYSDEC web site to download the program:
October 22, 2019
The Lima Town Board is committed to keeping our wonderful old Town Hall. As such, the Board has been working with the Town Engineers Clark Patterson Lee to come up with interior plans to address Employee Safety, ADA Accessibility, Heating & Cooling, Building Security and Fire Safety. The first step is Asbestos Removal from the Town Hall. The project is underway and should be completed by Halloween.
Following that the plans address: The removal of extension cords as permanent electrical feeds (fire hazard), the completion of the ceiling in the Town offices where someone drywalled around the fluorescent light fixtures instead of installing the light fixtures properly on the drywall (all heat is lost through the ceiling and it is a fire hazard), ADA compliant restrooms in the correct quantity on all 3 floors, elevator access to all 5 levels (including the stage), kitchenette area on the top floor (sink & crockpot/food warming space for catering) to round out the event space, updating the steam boiler system to hot water heat with the addition of ductless mini splits so that energy wasting space heaters and window air conditioners can be eliminated, and a re-design of the transaction desk to prevent theft like we had last year. The funding will come from a combination of grant dollars and taxpayer funds that have been set aside for building purposes.
Once complete, the Town Hall updates will allow everyone to use the public spaces easily and comfortably while saving money on heating and cooling costs and increasing safety. Stay tuned for next steps.
August 21, 2019
It is that time of year when the Town's budget process is in full swing.
There are a lot of mandated steps to getting from start to finish so here is a quick primer on how it works: The Town Supervisor is the Budget Officer.
In Lima, the Budget Officer sends budget estimate forms to all the Town Departments in late June. Forms are filled out and returned by August 1st.
The Budget officer is responsible for filling out any forms that are not returned and then a complete review of all the requests. The data is used to prepare the tentative budget.
The Budget Officer may meet with the department heads to discuss their budget submissions. The Town provides funding for many Boards and Group and each Town Board member assigned as liaison to several. Last year I instituted a new policy of including meeting with each Town Board member to get their input. I also meet with our Accountants in Nunda to go over the budget and calculate our tax cap limit. Armed with all of this data I finish the Tentative Budget and hand it over to the Town Clerk who presents it to the Board at the September Board meeting. This is the first time all the board members get to discuss the Tentative Budget together as a board.
If a Town Board working session or special meeting is needed that is scheduled. Working sessions and Special Meetings are advertised and open to the public (with the exception of any sensitive personnel issues.) The Town Board revises the Budget and approves it as the Preliminary Budget. The preliminary Budget is sent back to the Town Clerk. At this time the Preliminary Budget is available for the public to review at the Town Hall or on the Web site. A public hearing on the budget is scheduled for the October meeting. The Tax cap calculations have to be filed with the Office of the State Comptroller. When the public hearing is complete and the OSC filing is in place, then the Town Board makes any final revisions and must adopt the Final Budget by November 20th. If the Town Board fails to adopt the budget by November 20th, then by default the preliminary budget stands as the next years budget.
Meetings must be public and advertised when a quorum of the Town Board (that is 3 or more out of 5) are convened to discuss town business of any kind. The Lima Town Board has 5 elected Board Members. The elected members are the ones who vote on Town business. The Deputy Supervisor is an appointed position. The appointment is the sole discretion of the Supervisor and may be any voter in the Town of Lima. While the appointment may be another Town Board member, it does not have to be. The job of the Deputy Supervisor is to fill in for the Supervisor when they are not available (signing checks, reviewing payroll, running meetings, locking the town hall late at night when people forget, researching issues, manning the Town Office, etc). If the Deputy is not an elected board member, they do not get to vote, ever - even if they are filling in for the Supervisor at the Town or attending meetings at the County.
Certainly, if you have any questions feel free to call me at the Town Hall 585-582-1130.
May 28, 2019
Congratulations Lima! Some good news just arrived: The postal carriers will be moving BACK from Honeoye Falls to Lima effective September 14th. It cost more to keep them there than to return them. If you get a chance, please stop by our post office to congratulate them.
April 22, 2019
The Town Board has been working for years on the new solar law. The Draft has been sent to the Livingston County Planning Board for consideration at the May meeting. The Draft text is here for you to review now ahead of the public hearing to come. If you are interested in this legislation consider attending the Town Board meetings in May and June. Feel free to contact me with questions. MJF
February 23, 2019
It is likely there will be a weather event Sunday Feb 24th and beyond. National Grid has told us to expect power outages across western NY including Livingston county.
Check your emergency preparedness kit. Ensure you have needed medicine. Ensure you have some water and that your car has gasoline.
If you run a generator, ensure you run it outdoors and that there are no open doors or windows near the running generator.
Charge up your cell phones and other devices now.
Treat all down power lines as live, report them to National Grid 1-800-867-5222.
You can check outage status via the www.nationalgridus.com site outage map.
Stay safe and reach out for help if you need it via 911.
Mike Falk
August 21, 2018
Lima Weather Station -
Thanks to the donation of the weather station from the Livingston County Conservation District and installation by the Town Crew our weather station is up and running. You can watch the station at www.weatherlink.com or download the weatherlink app to your phone to get the latest information. It is labeled Town of Lima - easy to spot on the list.
June 5, 2018
Interested in Community Center Facilities? Let your voice be heard! In conjunction with a Livingston County Community Center Feasibility Study that is currently taking place, there is an online survey:
https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/66VWJSS. Thanks for giving us your opinion.
June 1, 2018
Lima Congratulates the new owners of the old Save a Lot building! Roof repairs and clean up will follow directly. The aim is to lease it for business purposes. Inquiries can be made to Robert Blaine 585-721-9174.
May 3, 2018
Starting May 3rd, 2018 the Town of Lima offices are now open Thursdays from 8am until 7pm - an addition of 4 open hours. This change allows people on their lunch hour or who work days out of town to purchase dog licenses, fishing and hunting licenses, get building permits, marriage licenses, copies of birth and death certificates and get documents notarized. This zero cost addition was achieved by adjusting staffing hours. More convenience, additional hours and no extra personnel cost - everyone wins!
The offices are additionally open M,T,F 8am - Noon & 1pm - 4pm, W 9am - noon. For more information, call the Lima Town Hall at 585-582-1130 or visit our website at www.townoflima.org
April 24, 2018
Please remember the Livingston County Sheriff's Offender Watch program to get notifications for registered sex offenders. If you sign up your email address via their website, you will get alerts when RSO's move in or move out. (www.livingstoncounty.us/sheriff) under the Offender Watch tab on the left hand side of the page.
March 12, 2018
It is reassessment season here in the Town of Lima. The notices were mailed and you will receive yours this week. If you have questions on your assessment, please call the Assessors Office at
585-624-6120 to schedule a time to meet with the Assessor. Appointment times are first come, first served. See you around Town.
Michael J. Falk, Lima Town Supervisor